ALT Graduate Info Session Poster copy.png

SJSU Communication Course Promotion

Information Session for Prospective COMM Graduate Students

Information Session for Prospective COMM Graduate Students

As part of my role as Graduate Program Communications Assistant, I was responsible for holding information sessions targeting prospective graduate students. I designed and wrote copy for information session marketing materials. The URL has been anonymized to protect the privacy of these sessions.

Graduate Research Methodologies Presentations

Graduate Research Methodologies Presentations

Designed and wrote copy for San Jose State University Graduate Communication Studies presentation marketing materials. The presentation conference was moved from In-Person to Zoom due to COVID-19. As such, adjustments were made to the poster. Presentations involved work-in-progress academic papers for a research methodology course. I participated in this conference myself through research on IKEA’s design practices. Email and URL have been anonymyzed to protect the privacy of students and professors.

Special Topics in Communication: Family Communication

Special Topics in Communication: Family Communication

Designed and wrote copy for upcoming Family Communication course marketing materials in SJSU’s Communication Studies Department. Emails and names have been anonymyzed to protect the privacy of the professor.

 Designed a “prospective student” brochure for SJSU’s Department of Communication Studies graduate program. Brochure was designed to be distributed at the 2021 National Communication Association conference in Seattle, WA. I designed and wrote content

Designed a “prospective student” brochure for SJSU’s Department of Communication Studies graduate program. Brochure was designed to be distributed at the 2021 National Communication Association conference in Seattle, WA. I designed and wrote content for this brochure during my time as a Graduate Program Communications Assistant and I attended the conference in order to advertise my graduate program to prospective students nationwide.

Brochure for Open House at National Communication Association Conference

Brochure for Open House at National Communication Association Conference